Emerging Technology
Emerging and Disruptive technology is a rapidly growing area with an increasing adoption base. The Australian Government has forecast a range of emerging technologies that will change and improve many fundamental tasks and interactions in the coming years, including how we work, travel, and communicate with each other. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and quantum computing present significant opportunities for the military, people, businesses and the broader economy.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) / Artificial Intelligence (AI)
"Autonomous Systems raise challenging operational, strategic, and policy issues, the full scope of which cannot yet be seen. The nations and militaries that see the furthest into a dim and uncertain future to anticipate these challenges and prepare for them now will be best poised to succeed in the warfighting regime to come"
Paul D Scharre, The Opportunities and Challenges of Autonomous Systems paper within
“Autonomous Systems, Issues for Policymakers” HQ SACT, NATO 2017.
As emerging technology and RAS/AI capability continue to develop at an exponential rate, effective Decision Making augmentation and Human Machine Teaming (HUM-T) is closer than ever.
The integration of Machine Learning, robotic enhancement and human-in-the-loop/on-the-loop autonomous systems will provide a powerful capability for both business and militaries alike. With more sensor data, information and inputs being feed to the commander than ever before, the need to support the appropriate and effective application of this technology is now the major challenge.
Militaries and businesses are grappling with the questions:
How can we remove our people from the threat/risk?
How can we give our people the decision making edge and how much information is too much information. What type of decision making input do we really care about?
How do we manage bandwith and capacity issues within the RAS/AI operating environment?
What does swarming behaviour actually mean for my autonomous systems?
The way in which organisations effectively integrate systems to perform valuable tasks in a cost effective way will be key to the future of RAS/AI and HUM-T.
Here at Meikai, we have Mechatronics Engineers who specialise in Autonomous Systems and Robotic Process Automation able to support you understanding your need and the most appropriate system to help.
Blockchain and NFTs
Blockchain is a digital platform that records, verifies and stores transactions shared across a network of computers according to an agreed set of rules. Blockchain platforms are established as either Public or Private Blockchains. Public blockchains utilising decentralised ledgers and Proof of Work or Proof of Stake consensus methods remove the need for verification by a central authority, such as a bank.
Cryptography is used to keep transactions secure, and costs are shared among network participants. Cryptography is mainly used in the consensus and application layers of the blockchain where something like a 'hashing' algorithm is used to create block identity, ensure the integrity of the blockchain, and act as a key ingredient of Proof of Work consensus algorithms. The fact that all transaction history is stored on the ledger and is viewable and verifiable by all network participants allows for much higher levels of transparency and auditability than is otherwise possible.
Although blockchain is still an emerging technology, it can be applied across a wide range of industries and to almost any transaction that involves a value, including financial transactions, smart contracts, secure government services such as digital identities and novel applications such as Non Fungible Tokens (NFT).
Here at Meikai we see the value of blockchain technology and its potential to deliver a positive socio-impact. We are early adopters of this technology into our core services and our block chain experts can support you in better understanding how blockchain technology works and whether its right for your business. If you'd like to know more, check out our 2 day course 'Blockchain Fundamentals and Futures' under the Industry Courses section of our website and sign up for the next session.
Web 3.0
Web 3 or Web 3.0, is based on the concept of creating a totally decentralised internet ecosystem. This new technological dimension believes in leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and the latest technologies like blockchain. It seeks to evolve the modern internet (Web 2.0) to increase the ecosystem's utility and solve wide spread problems such as mis-information.
How did we get to Web 3.0? Well it began with Web 1.0 (1989 - 2005), the first conceptualisation of the internet developed in the era of dial-up modems. Web 1.0 offered users the ability to search static websites for information and read online content. There were no algorithms, no suggested content nor was there any of the interactive ecommerce that we are used to today. The content was highly informative, but limited to search and read-only online. Web 2.0 sought to build on this basic premise, evolving the internet and its eco-system into what we know today. With information stored on single servers and issued on demand, Web 2.0 has allowed users to create their own content and facilitated businesses to adopt targeted advertising through the exploitation of user data.
While Web 2.0 has revolutionised how we live, it has bought with it increased security risks and a lack of privacy. Users have little to no control over their data ownership and platform owners decide what is appropriate content (eg. Facebook, Twitter etc). Web 3.0 aims to create a decentralised worldwide web where every individual will be in control of their data.
The web 3.0 evolution will leverage the power of blockchain technology to preserve ledger records that are accessible to everyone, thus ensuring they cannot be destroyed or altered by anyone. Web 3.0 also leverages machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to instruct algorithms to curate content personalised to each individual.
Web 3.0 is at the cutting edge of emerging technology. The value of the Meikai team rests in our experience and culture of innovative thinking. Building on our knowledge of blockchain technology, AI and ML we are ready to help you fuse this technology with your business need and explore the potential of Web 3.0 and/or decentralised computing.
Legal and Ethical Application of Emerging Technology
Article 36 of the First Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 states "In the study, development, acquisition or adoption of a new weapon, means or method of warfare, a High Contracting Party is under an obligation to determine whether its employment would, in some or all circumstances, be prohibited by this Protocol or by any other rule of international law applicable to the High Contracting Party”. As militaries around the world integrate autonomous weapon systems to their operating system, understanding the legal and ethical implications is essential to the development and introduction into service of this capability.
Meikai endorses the need for, and recognises the impact of, Article 36 on the legal and ethical development of autonomous weapon systems within the Capability Life Cycle Process; which is why we are proud to partner with International Weapons Review, the globally recognised preeminent legal firm within this field.
The value of our Meikai Team is the all round knowledge we bring to the Capability Development process and our ability to leverage our partnerships to help you deliver emerging and disruptive technology that is integrated, effective and compliant.