About Us
Creating Clarity Amid Chaos
​MEIKAI is a bespoke consultancy dedicated to providing engaging individuals and tailored teams to help solve emerging and disruptive technology based problems and challenges for our clients. Our team strives to make the complex simple and the simple compelling.
Our Story
Started in late 2019 as a veteran owned business, our Directors began with two simple premises:
'Find good people to do great things'
'How we do business is as important as what we do'
These fundamental principles have remained at the core of who we are as a company. Now as a fast growing organisation, thanks to these simple principles Meikai and its employees have built strong relationships with its clients in both the Defence and Public sectors.
Our Structure
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
– Benjamin Franklin
The domain of emerging and disruptive technology is a rapidly evolving environment. To confidently help our clients implement emerging and disruptive technology we must ensure that we remain at the forefront of industry knowledge. Our people's learning journey starts Day 1 and never stops. To ensure we deliver the foremost support to Government, Meikai operates two specific portfolios supported by a matrixed organisational structure and a Learning and Development / Recruiting engine room.
The company is built on its ability to deliver first rate Professional Services across three specific domains; Simulation and C4I, Emerging Technology and ICT and Integration, however, to ensure we foster cutting edge thinking, skills and competence in our workforce, Meikai maintains a R&D/Futures Portfolio where we explore emerging technology in house and through initiatives such as ANU Tech Launcher. Good people looking to do great things are inherently inquisitive and are tinkerers at heart, our R&D/Future portfolio gives our employees the environment to explore their passion.